Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Answering Questions about Brain Function.......

  We can study and study and study and still not know everything there is to know about how the brain fully functions. There are so many factors and an infinite number of variables that have to be taken into account.
Greg, your early life is an example that. Teachers treated you like you weren't trying. You worried that you were (as you put it) "Dumb". When the whole time, the real reason the information wasn't getting through was because you had this foreign mass  getting in the way of your normal brain function. Once the foreign element was removed, it was like your brain said "Finally I can get the signal through."
Truly the brain is amazing. You bounced back and it sounds like you have been doing well.

To answer Susan's question; Yes, studies have shown that gender does play somewhat of a role in what "Brained" you are.
Now, that being said I must clarify. There are more women that have "Right-Brained" attributes than men.
It wasn't until the split-brained studies in the 1960's that we really started to see the difference between functions in the sides of the brain. For the most part, the hemispheres of the brain work together. It's kind of like two hands working together to tie a shoe, both have a function but they work better when they work together. It must also be noted that we can have days where we may be more left-brained than right-brained or visa-versa. Again, it depends on so many factors. There is still so much exploration going on in the field of brain function.
Like Greg pointed out, the more studying that is done, it seems that the more questions arise. Part of that is human nature though. We want to learn and understand.. Just like the 3 year old that asks, "But why, but why?"
That is why I study and research, because I want to know more than just "why",  I also want to know how and then so much more then that!!

Thank you for your questions. Please keep them coming.. and if you like my Blog, please pass it on to a friend...
Smiles and hugs!!! (because that's just me!)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Brain Balance, what the heck is she talking about?

 All this brain research might just make my brain explode.. Just kidding... Truly, I love the research. It's actually my passion and I will share it with anyone that is willing to listen.
 A little over two years ago, I started on this journey. What started as a mild interest quickly grew into a passion. The more I learned about brain function, the more I wanted to learn. Then, I came up with my own hypothesis of how we should use our brain to stay balanced. Now I am on a journey to prove that my hypothesis is correct. 
I'm at the point now where I would like to hear from others about their experiences in being balanced. 
There are those out there that, not only work on both sides of their brain but also, can relate to those that don't. 
We live in a society that is structured more for the left-brained way of thinking and functioning. I have even read some studies that try to discount the right brain all together. The right brain has been called the "minor brain" and even the "useless brain". Personally, I find that kind of talk extremely offensive and belittling. There's a reason that we have two hemispheres of the brain. Both serve a purpose and to discount one or the other is, putting it plain and simple, stupidity and arrogance. 
Now you may ask me why I named my Blog "Everybody Needs to Be a Little Right-Brain". The answer to that is simple, since our society tries to shove everyone over to the left side of thinking, I'd like to take everyone back over to the right-brain for a bit.... Let us play at creativity, passion, sensitivity and all of those other fun parts of the right brain. 
Now that I've babbled on, I'd like to hear your stories, questions and I'm even open to comments, but you have to be kind. Like Thumper's dad would always say, "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all." :o)

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!